Tricia Pilkington

Music Faculty Faculty

Tricia Pilkington

Music Faculty Faculty

Tricia Pilkington has lived as a mountain local in Idyllwild since 1995 and been involved with Idyllwild Arts Academy ever since.  She has raised two children who have attended the Academy while maintaining her varied professional careers as a Sound Medicine Musician, Bioenergetic Therapist, Session Vocalist, Singer-Songwriter (6 bands and 13 Albums worth), Expression Coach, Talent Manager,  Production Artist, and Jeweler.  She has worked with the IAA Children’s Summer program to bring Music Therapy and inspiration to the young artists and now joyfully joins the faculty at IAA in the Visual Arts Department as a Jeweler and in the Music Department as a Vocalist Coach and Singer-Songwriter.  Her life’s mission can be summarized as a desire to inspire people to develop and use their unique voice to express their authentic identity to positively impact the culture with bioenergetic Integrity and Compassion.