Message from the President

Dear Idyllwild Arts Community,
At Idyllwild Arts, we believe that “art is the greatest teacher of humanity and that the practice of creativity, no matter the ultimate expression, hones each individual’s desire and ability to craft global change.”
This Idyllwild Arts Promise Statement excerpt was never more deeply felt than when we welcomed back our Summer Program participants this June and July.
Painting in outdoor spaces, shooting film footage across campus, and hearing our young jazz and chamber orchestra musicians play in the Joseph Holmes Amphitheatre under the beautiful and iconic parachutes wafting in the soft breeze were balm for everyone fortunate enough to participate or observe the magic happening on our campus. There was a freedom this summer that we had not experienced since Summer 2019. Although we had COVID-19 restrictions in place, there remained a deep sense of community among our students and our wonderful teaching artists throughout their time together.
As fall approaches and we prepare for our Academy students to return, we are learning of the severity of the Delta variant of COVID-19. These continue to be uncertain times and it’s clear that patience for COVID-19 precautions is thinning. But we must do everything possible to keep ourselves and others in our community safe and healthy.
When the virus forced schools across the country to move to distance learning, we did so efficiently and effectively, but the absence of community and the strength that our students draw from one another’s commitment and passion was evident. At Idyllwild Arts, all students are uplifted and supported by their peers. Celebrating performances and exhibits and engaging in conversations that can only happen organically on campus, in common rooms and dormitories, were absent unless students found unconventional ways to connect with one another.
As we welcome students back to our beautiful campus, let us do everything we can to keep our community healthy and safe. From being vaccinated to wearing masks to practicing physical distancing, let’s ensure that we can reconvene the school community in which our students thrive and grow — professionally, personally, and globally.
Pamela Jordan