Idyllwild Arts Event Calendar

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comma, | Senior Visual Arts Show On View

IAF Campus: Parks Exhibition Center

Please note the open hours for Parks Exhibition Center are Monday – Friday, 11 am – 5 pm. The Visual Arts Department at Idyllwild Arts Academy is proud to present […]

Jazz Combos Concert: Bebop Lives!

IAF Campus: Stephens Recital Hall

Did Miles Davis know and foretell the importance of bebop when he penned the seminal tune "Boplicity (Bebop Lives)" in 1949? Regardless, the style and musical vocabulary of bebop has […]

Spring Play | “Silent Sky”

Bowman IAF Theater 52500 Temecula Road #38, Idyllwild

Silent Sky is a dramatization of the life of Henrietta Leavitt, an influential female astronomer of the early 1900s. The play illustrates the determination of Henrietta and other female “computers” who […]

A student modeling.

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