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March 15 @ 12:30 pm 1:30 pm PDT

Join us as 12th grade Visual Arts student Devika Aggarwal unveils her interactive geodesic dome structure in Margaret A. Cargill Commons! Conceived as a part of her Visual Arts Senior Show (“Kaleidoscope,” which opens on March 22nd at 6:00pm), the wooden dome will hold a collection of different people’s stories and experiences, depicted through drawings in response to prompts. Viewers are invited to walk into the dome to explore the drawings, and experience how a wide variety of perspectives can coexist in the same place. The dome will become a permanent fixture of the Idyllwild Arts campus. Viewers are encouraged to come share their own stories and drawings on the walls, keeping this art piece ever-changing, and fostering a continued sense of community and bonding. This project is funded by a student grant from Arts Enterprise Labratory

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A student modeling.

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